
Saniflo USA donates to Virginia Technical Institute, providing yearly tuition and product donations

June 21, 2022

Saniflo USA announced yearly tuition and product donations to Virginia Technical Institute (VTI). Pledging to donate $3,000 per year in tuition fees, Saniflo said its contributions will cover a semester for two students or two semesters for one student each year.

"Students ranging from high school to adults have the opportunity to fulfill classroom hours in their attempt to gain a journeyman's license in the fields that require it," said Brett Hall, Dean of Instruction at VTI. "We use curriculum from the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER), a standardized training process affiliated with the University of Florida."

The Institute is also certified by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).

Product donations will be used in VTI's plumbing shop and as part of its plumbing program. In 2022, VTI plans to use Saniflo's Sanibest Pro Grinders and Sanicom 1 drain pumps in a model home created as a practical learning environment for students.