
Rep News

April 6, 2006
A.O. Smith, State Water Heaters, Julien and Spartan Environmental Technologies add new manufacturers rep agencies.

  • A.O. Smith added X-Cel Sales as its manufacturers rep for the company's commercial and residential water heaters in Colorado, Wyoming, southwestern Nebraska, Arizona and Clark County, Nev. Contact Shawn Marley at 602/943-4466, shawnmarley@xcelsales.net.

  • Decorative plumbing manufacturer Julien named three new rep firms:

      - Luxury Marketing, located in the New York/New Jersey metro area;

      - Stehr Enterprises, covering the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware; and

      - Hot2Cold representing Julien in the Midwest.

  • Spartan Environmental Technologies, a manufacturer of chemical oxidation and disinfection equipment, appointed three new manufacturers rep firms:

      - Premier Water of Charlotte, N.C., will cover North and South Carolina (www.premier-water.com);

      - Applied Process Equipment of Scottsdale, Ariz., will cover Arizona and New Mexico (www.apewater.com); and

      - The Maher Corp. of Medford, Mass., will cover New England (www.themahercorp.com).

  • State Water Heaters named Great Lakes Agency of Grand Blanc, Mich., as its representative for the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Contact Mike Ostrowski at 810/600-0659, statewh@greatlakesagency.com.
