American Standard Brands recently was named Ferguson’s Showroom Plumbing Vendor of the Year.

American Standard is the winner of the 2015 Ferguson Showroom Plumbing Vendor of the Year Award. Pictured, from left: Scott Russell (Ferguson senior VP sourcing), Mary Hannah Fout (Ferguson marketing manager showroom), Bert Magladry (manager U.S. trade sales for LIXIL Water Technology Americas, American Standard), Terry Bradshaw (Ferguson spokesman), Sam Rose (Ferguson VP showroom and builder business) and Rodney Grainger (Ferguson VP strategic product).

American Standard named Ferguson’s Showroom Plumbing Vendor of the Year

December 1, 2015
American Standard Brands recently was named Ferguson’s Showroom Plumbing Vendor of the Year.

American Standard Brands recently was named Ferguson’s Showroom Plumbing Vendor of the Year. The company also received a Ferguson Featured Counter Product Award for its Colony Soft Centerset bathroom faucet promotion.

A Vendor of the Year award was given in three categories — plumbing, lighting and appliances — and was based on multiple criteria, including overall sales performance, channel marketing engagement and execution, and the level of sales representative support provided.

The Featured Counter Product recognition was based on successful marketing and sales execution of a promotion for the Colony Soft bath faucet in nearly 600 Ferguson-blended branch counters across the United States.

“We are so pleased to receive this prestigious recognition from a valued partner such as Ferguson,” said Steven Delarge, CEO and president of LIXIL Water Technology Americas, American Standard, DXV. “Ferguson’s influence on the marketplace cannot be overstated. We deeply appreciate this opportunity to work closely in partnership with a leading supplier of commercial and residential plumbing products.”

Award winners were announced at the annual Ferguson Enterprises Vendor Summit in Williamsburg, Va., on Oct. 21. Accepting both awards on behalf of American Stadard was Bert Magladry, manager of U.S. trade sales for the company.