
USGBC Hits 10,000 Member Mark

July 11, 2007

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) today welcomed its 10,000th member company.

“This achievement is a significant milestone in the growth and development of the green building movement because it demonstrates a broad conviction that our built environment can improve the health of our planet, our economy, and our communities,” said Rick Fedrizzi, President, CEO and Founding Chair of the organization.

“At all levels, our members – their vision for a sustainable built environment, their knowledge of building science and practice, and their commitment to results – are why the green building movement has grown exponentially in the last decade and a half,” said Fedrizzi.  “Thousands of volunteers have contributed tens of thousands of hours to the development of the LEED green building rating system; chapter leaders all over the country are making transformation happen at the local level; and all of our members are raising the bar for their colleagues throughout the industry.”

Today, the green building industry is worth upwards of $12 billion, whereas a decade ago it was negligible.  USGBC was founded in 1993 with a vision of transforming the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment.  That vision is shared by council members – who are the driving force behind the council, and of the green building movement including builders, designers, legislators, policy-makers, educators, manufacturers, developers, activists and scientists.

“Our members have joined together through USGBC to transform the way we design, build, and operate the structures in which we live our lives, which gives us a powerful voice to use as we continue to advance our transformation of the built environment,” noted Fedrizzi.