
California Establishes Statewide Green Building Standards

August 19, 2008

The California Building Standards Commission has adopted a statewide green building code, which the state claims as a first in the nation.

The new California Green Building Standards Code contains standards for single-family homes, health facilities, and commercial buildings and will encourage builders to reduce the energy use of their structures to 15 percent below the energy use that is achieved with the state’s mandatory energy efficiency standards. The standards also address on-site renewable energy use, water consumption, green building materials, indoor air quality and other measures.

The new standards will become mandatory for housing in 2010 but are currently optional for all buildings, allowing time for the building industry and local building code officials to adjust to the new standards. After 2010, the green building standards will be updated annually.

For more information, visit the California Building Standards Commission Website at www.bsc.ca.gov.