My house water heater recently failed. I want to replace it with something more efficient, like a heat pump. The easiest path would be to replace it with the exact same type. What would you do if you had a similar scenario with a client or project?
Like most people, I have opinions and beliefs about our current energy sources, and specifically how they play into the future of hydronic heating and cooling technology.
Other partners include the World Health Organization (WHO) and DigDeep, with whom IAPMO partners regularly to educate the public and improve sanitary conditions and access to drinking water.
What do the 3-model codes, UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code), IPC (International Plumbing Code) and NSPC (National Standard Plumbing Code), have to say on the subject?
System COP is a more relevant metric of geothermal heat pump performance since the owner is paying for the electrical energy to operate the heat pump and the circulator, and their operation is always simultaneous.
I do not fully agree with the statement about the quality decline in the plumbing industry. A couple of bad installations do not define the entire plumbing contractor industry. How do we fix it?