WarmlyYours Radiant Heating recently received one of the most prestigious awards offered by a prominent North American buying group in recognition of the company’s continual improvement and participation in developing community within the industry.

The SEN Design Group, a kitchen and bath buying group founded in 1994, gave WarmlyYours its 2015 Vendor Partner of the Year Award at the group’s spring conference in Jacksonville, Fla., in March. The group, which includes more than 80 vendor partners, gives out this award in order to recognize a company’s active participation within the SEN community, said Leah Peterson, executive vice president of SEN.

“WarmlyYours has been an active and engaged vendor partner of SEN for more than 15 years,” Peterson said. “In the past few years, WarmlyYours has really stepped up its game in terms of education and involvement with SEN.”

She pointed to the efforts made by WarmlyYours to provide business-to-business educational training in the fields of management, marketing and sales training, as major components in the decision to award the company with one of SEN’s highest honors.

“This year, we felt there was a very clear winner because of the company’s relentless discipline and dedication within the group,” she said.

Peterson also addressed the participation of Elodie Pasek, the director of business development for North America for WarmlyYours and the company’s point person for SEN, as a major factor in deciding who should receive the award. Pasek, for her part, said that she was happy to be a part of the SEN community.

“We are so honored to receive this award,” Pasek said. “SEN is an amazing opportunity for us as a company to be a part of a community where the partners actively work together. In the end, it makes us all stronger.”