ICC Evaluation Service is pleased to welcome Falcon Stainless as the first PMG client to take advantage of the ICC-ES’s new Affiliate Program.
The Affiliate Program supports ICC-ES PMG clients by increasing the visibility and awareness of their products in the plumbing, mechanical, and fuel gas industry through a number of additional marketing support initiatives. The most important initiative is the linking of clients’ reports and listings to ICC’s digital codes portal, premiumACCESS, which had over three million site visits in 2016.
"ICC-ES is pleased to see Falcon Stainless take advantage of this affiliate program, offering manufacturers opportunities to increase awareness of their ICC-ES PMG listings," ICC-ES PMG Director Dawn LaFleur-Qualley said.
The ICC-ES Affiliate Program consists of 3 affiliate levels (Gold/Silver/Bronze) for purchase and valid for 12 months from the date of application. Affiliate benefits differ for each level and include the following:
- Digital Codes - premiumACCESS linking of evaluation reports and listings
- ICC-ES News Releases on New ICC-ES Report or Listing (Bronze/Silver/Gold Level)
- ICC-ES Affiliate Recognition - Profile/Logo/Website link on Affiliate page (Gold Level)
- Unlimited Acceptance Criteria (AC) Access (Gold Level)
For more information, contact an ICC-ES Connect+ Customer Care representative on 800-423-6587 ext. 1 or email es@icc-es.org
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