Clean and tidy caulk

When installing a toilet, the final touch is caulking around the base which can sometimes be a mess. I use an extra plastic shim which is already handy from having set the toilet to slide around the base and floor to remove the extra caulk. It leaves a clean look, gets extra caulk out of tile grout lines, and keeps your fingers clean. Works well with free standing tubs and other such bases too!  

Brandon Lane

Handy Andy’s Plumbing 

Megargel, Texas


Easy lav bowl replacement

When replacing countertops and using existing lavatory bowls, the caulk around and under the edge of the bowls will cause the bowls to crack when being lifted up and out of the countertops. A trick we have found is to apply PVC clear primer over and around the bowl. This will soften the caulk, allowing the bowl to be removed without breaking. 
After a little cleanup, the new countertop can be installed, saving labor and the cost of replacing lavatory fixtures.

Shayne Bays and William L. Correa

B.C. Mechanical

Niles, Michigan

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