Noritz America
Hybrid electric heat pump water heater
The new Hybrid Electric Heat Pump Water Heater efficiently transfers heat from air-to-water, resulting in substantial energy savings for consumers seeking to reduce their utility bills. Handling hot water temperatures ranging from 50°-160° F, the product will be available in four sizes, with the model numbers indicating the gallon storage volumes: (NHP50, NHP65, NHP80, and NHP120). The specially formulated cement lining of the unit’s storage tank is designed to prevent the corrosive effects of hot water. By negating the need for a sacrificial anode rod, the lining all but eliminates maintenance requirements and the necessity for regular checks. The Hybrid Electric Heat Pump offers users five different ways to operate the unit, depending upon user demand and current conditions: hybrid (standard), electric only, heat pump only, super (for high-demand situations), and vacation. A temperature and pressure relief valve comes with the unit, pre-installed. Eligible for government rebates of up to $3,000.