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When a secondary school in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, began plans for a new facility, they already had a heating and cooling manufacturer in mind.

“The school board had used WaterFurnace previously, and they liked the units' reliability and operation,” says Jay Jagpal of Olympic International, a manufacturer’s rep also located in North Vancouver. “Energy efficiency and the movement toward decarbonization — the equipment checked all of the boxes. So, they worked with the engineer specifically to design a system around these units for the high school.”

All requirements met

As with most building projects, finances were a concern.

“Typically, there’s provincial funding and sometimes federal funding. The provincial funding is attached to the energy performance of the school,” Jagpal says.

Secondary school units, TruClimate 100 water-to-water heat pumps

TruClimate 100 water-to-water heat pumps met every performance, energy and decarbonization need identified by the school board.

The system includes six 50-ton TruClimate 100 Water-to-Water Heat Pumps. TruClimate 100 water-to-water heat pump chillers don’t rely on natural gas, which helps building owners reduce fossil fuel consumption and their carbon footprint impact on the environment. The heat wasted through a cooling tower or ground loop is recovered and used for hot water pre-heat. Featuring the HydroLink Aurora controls platform, the units provide numerous factory-installed options for better service, diagnostic and monitoring ability. New features include refrigerant, energy and performance monitoring through the HMI or DDC protocols.

The school board prefers to use radiators and fan coils for air distribution. The office space area has a VAV system. With the TruClimate 100 installed, “they met the sound performance required in that area, and they achieved the greenhouse gas target reduction they wanted,” Jagpal says.

Let’s do it again

“The end result is the customer got the reliable WaterFurnace units that they know and trust along with a project completed on time and on budget,” says Jagpal.

The project went so well that it became a template design for another school. For Jagpal, the success was no surprise.

“We’ve been with WaterFurnace from the beginning. They are workhorses. Anybody who’s worked with them will definitely do it again,” he says.