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How long have you been in the PHCP-PVF industry?

SB: This is the fifth year I have been in this industry.

What drew you into the industry?

SB: I like working with real-world problems and I started as an intern in the MEP industry in 2018 at DLZ Corp.. I was immediately drawn to the plumbing aspect of the design.

What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the industry?

SB: Being part of this industry allows me to explore different challenges and projects ranging from waste water treatment plants to correctional facilities. Working on challenging projects and seeing them being built in the field to last for a lifetime of a building occupant is one of the rewarding aspects of this industry. Working with fantastic colleagues and mentors at DLZ Corp. has been rewarding as well.

What motivates you every day?

SB: The fact that the work we do has a huge impact on society. When a new facility is built, it is built to last for a long period of time, from 20-50 years. Designing such facilities wherein we can provide a desirable level of comfort for the occupants is a motivational factor for me.

What is one thing you wish more people knew/understood about the PHCP-PVF industry?

SB: I think the science and research which has gone into designing the concepts which are sometimes taken for granted. A lot of time, this field does not get the recognition it deserves.

What has been your proudest moment in your career so far?

SB: Clearing my electrical PE in addition to clearing my Mechanical PE exam. Being selected as part of ASPE Technical Committee wherein we update the handbooks to develop better industry trends is another proud moment.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

SB: I am a huge history nerd, especially World War II. I like visiting museums, watching documentaries, etc.