How long have you been in the PHCP-PVF industry?

DU: I have been in the industry for three years.

What drew you into the industry?

DU: I always knew I wanted to be an engineer of some sort. Initially aiming to do Electrical MEP design, I ended up getting a job as a plumbing designer for GK Engineers. Since then I discovered an affinity for plumbing and haven’t looked back.

What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the industry?

DU: It's incredibly fulfilling to collaborate with an exceptional team on a project and look at the finished building, knowing I played a crucial role in its completion.

What motivates you every day?

DU: With the constantly changing industry and varying complexity of designs, there is always something new to learn. I feel like if you ever stop learning in this industry, you are missing out.

What is one thing you wish more people knew/understood about the PHCP-PVF industry?

DU: I feel like the PHCP-PVF industry is often overlooked. The field itself is more complex than most people assume, with many different areas of interest. As a result, there are plenty of job opportunities at every level within the field.

What has been your proudest moment in your career so far?

DU: I am proud of the progress I have made as a designer. It feels great having project managers consistently trust me with bigger and more complex projects as I move forward. There’s nothing like completing an intricate project and being told how impressed the client was with my drawings.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

DU: I can play the banjo.