EMCOR Group was awarded a number of contracts for "green" projects, ranging from buildings to water treatment plants to municipal facilities and utilities: City of San Carlos (Calif.) corporation yard solar installation; Southface ECO office (Atlanta); Lake Region water treatment reverse osmosis plant (Belle Glade, Fla.); Fort Wayne (Ind.) water pollution control plant; Clark County Public Utilities Department solar installation (Vancouver, Wash.); Columbia (Ind.) city water pollution control upgrade; Ohio State University mechanical engineering building (Cincinnati); and US Steel baghouse detection system (Gary, Ind.)

"We can safely say that green building is no longer a fad, but an increasingly important way of doing business," said Harvey M. Bernstein, vice president of industry analytics and alliances for McGraw-Hill Construction. "In fact, there are several indicators that green building is becoming a business standard for the design and construction industry. By far, the top-ranked business reason ... is the decrease in operating costs of 8 percent to 9 percent."
