The Hydronics Institute (HI) division of GAMA has temporarily canceled its remaining 21 classes until next summer — at least that’s the plan for now.

Larry Steingard, chairman of the HI, said they decided to cancel the classes instead of calling different instructors in to teach because it wasn’t fair or as effective as having one designated person.

The decision was based on the ongoing immigration problems Bill Benson, an instructor at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Canada, has had while trying to get into the United States to teach the I=B=R classes. Although his mother is a U.S. citizen, Benson is not, and a work visa has proven hard to obtain.

In the meantime, the goal is to re-launch the schools by next summer. Right now the HI Division is searching for other qualified instructors to take Benson’s place as his visa problems continue.

"I’m hoping if someone reads this and is a qualified, legitimate instructor, he will call us, and we can look into his credentials," said Steingard. "At the same time, we are still working on getting Benson into the country."