The Quality Service Contractors 10th Power Meeting was thought the best ever as the organization learned about dealing with negative publicity, new developments in industry software and distributed an overview of itself.

"This was the best power meeting we’ve held so far," said Sam Baker, executive director of QSC. "We had a really productive meeting."

QSC’s meeting — held in Las Vegas, Nev., Feb. 11-13 — covered communications skills and how to deal with the press when they come knocking on the door. Guest speaker Arch Lutsberg discussed helpful hints in media interviews, negotiations, consumer relations and sales presentations. Lutsberg also discussed ambush media and how to turn an explosive situation into a beneficial result. George Walther discussed the language of success, and how master it to give better customer service and deal with co-workers.

Software users and sales reps presented 10 different types of industry software to peer groups. The groups discussed the value of each product, and how each could fit into their businesses.

Tom Grandy presented a "financial management and analysis" of QSC that compared members of the organization. PM obtained a partial copy of the survey, which reveals that QSC members as a rule enjoy significant income from their companies. Very few members have an overall marketing plan, and still rely on the Yellow Pages. Also, few companies are using available co-op.

QSC picked up six more members in Las Vegas, and now stands at 135 members.

The next Quality Service Contractors meeting will be in Cleveland, Ohio, June 4-5. Topics slated include covering generation gaps in the industry. PM columnist Frank Blau is scheduled to speak on profits and losses. For more information call 800/533-7694.