Winter is almost over and homeowners are punch drunk over their fuel bills. The big bad gas and oil companies are national villains, and American citizens are crying out loud for somebody (i.e., the federal government) to do something (i.e., wave a regulatory wand that will roll back prices). Wishful thinking aside, a big roll-back is about as likely to happen as a Beatles reunion with a special guest appearance by Elvis. Energy prices in the United States still have a way to go to catch up with the rest of the world. A more likely scenario is that they will continue to narrow the gap.
Except for you jaded folks living in the near-tropical South, most of us had to dig deep into our disposable, or even nondisposable, income to survive the winter. That's the good news.
I've had to adjust my sensibilities with regard to the weather whenever talking to PHC contractors. I can't count how many times I've complained about "lousy" weather, only to be chastised by you folks who look at frozen pipes as a sign from heaven that all is well with the world.
In that same vein, I hope all of you are frolicking amid the latest national sport of whining about sky-high energy prices. Sales of high-efficiency boilers, furnaces, water heaters and radiant heating systems ought to set records this year. If you don't get your share, it probably will be because you're not trying hard enough. Start planning now to capitalize on the nation's collective misery. Here are some ideas.