More than 80 attendees, comprised of contractors, wholesalers, manufacturing reps and engineers, joined Holohan for a full day of roundtable discussions on hot-button hydronic heating issues affecting the various branches of the plumbing and heating industry.
Suggested topics were assigned to several tables in the Grand Ballroom of the Radisson O'Hare, though new categories opened up throughout the day. Subjects up for discussion included: steam heat, radiant slab and staple-up, radiant controls, wood-fired boilers, snowmelt, control strategies, fuel and venting issues, European hydronics, hiring and training, marketing hydronics, professionalism, carbon monoxide, indoor air quality, and writing.
The structure of the gathering was kept loose, as attendees were encouraged to change tables and join ongoing discussions according to their own schedule and interest level.
The benefits of attending such a gathering of peers are countless. The opportunity is presented to make valuable connections between industry professionals and to renew business friendships. Solutions to various heating and installation problems can be sought and provided. Innovative design and installation techniques and new product information can be discussed and promoted. It is at the very least an open forum for the discussion of new ideas.