Peerless Boilers will again conduct its “Colors of Heat” training seminars. Each location will feature two different seminars, covering hot water systems, one-pipe steam systems or two-pipe steam systems.

Peerless Boilers will again conduct its “Colors of Heat” training seminars, certified by the NORA Education Center. Each location will feature two different seminars, covering hot water systems, one-pipe steam systems or two-pipe steam systems. All attendees receive a training manual and certificate of completion for each seminar concluded.

Dates and locations for 2004 are:

  • April 8, Boyertown, Pa. - Hot water systems; One-pipe steam systems

  • April 14, Rochester, N.Y. - Hot water systems; One-pipe steam systems

  • May 18, Milwaukee - Hot water systems; Two-pipe steam systems

  • June 2, Waterbury, Conn. - One-pipe steam systems; Hot water systems

For more information, contact Peerless Boilers at 717/285-9345,