Happy Birthday, PM! It has been a great run for a magazine. Since the beginning, I've looked forward to receiving my copy of the magazine that has kept me informed for all these years.
I started thinking about all of the changes that have taken place in the past 20 years. When you look at changes on a regular basis, it doesn't seem like much has happened. But, when you look at a period of 20 years, you start to marvel at the progress we have made.
Twenty years ago, no one in the United States knew what cross linked polyethylene - PEX - was. Today, PEX is second to copper tubing as the most-used material for water distribution systems. It is also the dominant piping material for radiant heating systems.
The second most-used piping material in 1984 was polybutylene. That, of course, is no longer installed.
We also had the start of a piping system called a “manifold system.” Today, PEX manifold piping systems are one of the most popular water distribution systems for residential installations.
I developed a laundry list of changes that have occurred since the first issue of PM magazine was published:
I am sure you can add some additional advances made in the industry. It has been a wonderful 20 years. I took forward to the next 20 years. Just keep reading PM; we'll keep you abreast of the changes in the industry.