In other news, A.O. Smith has officially moved its headquarters from Irving, Texas, to Ashland City, Tenn. The new address is 500 Lindahl Parkway, Ashland City, TN 37015, phone 800/365-8170, fax 615/792-4371.
Omaha Steak Promotion From A.O. Smith
A.O. Smith Water Products Co. recently launched its "Get Fired Up" summertime promotion. Plumbing contractors are awarded 50 points redeemable for steaks and other gourmet foods from Omaha Steaks(r) for each Master-Fit(r) Plus "BTI" commercial water heater they buy. The contest runs from July 1, 2002, through Sept. 30, 2002. Plumbing contractors can obtain promotion materials from their participating A.O. Smith wholesaler.
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