Robert Browning, owner of Drain Savers Inc. near Denver, believes the days of plumbers showing up in dirty overalls and a bucket of tools are over. His full-service drain cleaning, plumbing and pipe relining company realizes the importance of having a professional and clean image, and simultaneously having the right tools and highly qualified employees for the jobs contracted.
For Drain Savers, clean and clear drains start with clean trucks.
The company's 1998 Isuzu NPR truck with a Shamrock truck jetter is white and clear of any distracting logos. The company's other service vehicles follow suit: four work vans, one mobile reline workshop trailer and one jetter trailer.
“A neat and clean appearance displays respect for customers,” Browning says.
All of Drain Savers' vehicles are custom-fitted and modified by the staff. Modifications, according to Browning, include a closable rear deck that serves as a shelter from the weather for employees and for the equipment. “This modification helps us fit the motto, 'A comfortable employee is a profitable employee,'” Browning says. His employees must be comfortable and satisfied in the business; the average employee experience level in his specialty at Drain Savers is 17.5 years. “This allows a reduced learning curve for newly hired employees while increasing competency in the field.”
The purchase of the truck jetter showcased here was made in response to the need for a smaller truck that would give employees the ability to work in tighter spaces without compromising performance. “This truck can handle jobs ranging from small lines to main line jetting for municipalities.” Applicable components are carried on the truck, such as hoses, reels and other related accessories.
In keeping with the clean image, and because a portion of the company's jobs are subcontracted from other local plumbing and maintenance companies, the 15 Drain Savers employees wear clean, pressed blue uniforms without logos.
Roughly 97 percent of Drain Savers' service calls are referrals and return customers, so making a striking first impression is paramount. “Service and quality are ever-present ingredients in the way business is conducted,” Browning states, and follow-up is also important.
“Drain Savers surveys customers on a consistent basis to determine the best way to improve service,” says Browning. And because the ever-growing Denver area has seen a rise in the demand for related services, as well as competitors, continual and ongoing training is conducted.
“Drain Savers welcomes competition because it ensures that quality and effectiveness of services is continually increasing,” Browning concludes.