The National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers will host a three-day oilheat event in Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 21-24, 2006, featuring an all-day series of seminars to benefit the Oil Heat Cares program, a golf outing, and a display of antique oil trucks and service vans.

The sponsor for the seminar series, Burnham Hydronics, has enabled all seminar registration fees to be donated to the Oil Heat Cares charity. Seminar speakers include industry experts such as PM columnist Dan Holohan, Alan Mercurio, Bob Hedden, John Levey, John Hall from PM's sister publication The News, and Tom Butcher of Brookhaven National Laboratory.

The antique truck display of member vehicles will be photographed as part of NAOHSM's plan to create a truck calendar for 2007. For more information, contact NAOHSM's national office at 888/552-0900,