Sept. 28, 9-10:30 a.m.
Reward Right Stuff Performance - Winning Compensation and Bonus Programs, Ellen Rohr
Have you ever given someone a bonus to encourage him to show up on time? Has your Christmas bonus program turned into an expected event that has nothing to do with profitability? Learn how to pay a better way. Rohr will explore simple ways to keep score and get everyone in on the game, a sound strategy for creating bonuses that won't shoot your profitability in the foot, and ways to implement the “Move Up the Ladder” approach to compensation.
Recruiting, Training and Keeping Skilled Craftsmen, Paul Ridilla
The best employees are constantly searching for the best employers. This seminar will show you how to maintain this enviable reputation and end your skilled labor shortage.
New Handicapped Plumbing Requirements, Julius Ballanco
The latest edition ANSI A117.1, Accessible and Useable Buildings and Facilities, has significant changes to the plumbing installation requirements. This program will review the changes to the water closet placement, drinking fountain height, additional grab bar requirements, and shower and bathtub requirements. The program will also review the new handicapped fixture requirements for children's plumbing fixtures.
Sept. 28, 3-4:30 p.m.
Reward Right Stuff Performance - Winning Compensation and Bonus Programs, Ellen Rohr (repeated)
The Other Half of Foremanship - Building People, Paul Ridilla
Your jobsite employees do not work for your company. They work for your foreman. This seminar covers the do's and don'ts for identifying and developing proud and productive craftsmen.
50 Simple Tips to Boost Your Business Writing Skills, Jim Olsztynski
Forget everything you learned in those boring English classes. This is down-to-earth stuff that will make some English teachers squirm.
Sept. 29, 9-10:30 a.m.
Jobsite Motivation and Control: Pride, Productivity and Profit, Paul Ridilla
This seminar will show you how to finish every job ahead of schedule and under your labor budget, utilizing Paul's motto: “Add pride to his life, his work will show it.”
Staffing Power! Recruiting, Hiring and Training, Part I, Al Levi
Staffing Power! seminar attendees will learn how to: Add people with the right attitude and develop the rest in-house, hold people accountable for sales, operational and technical standards, create systems to identify what employees know.
New Handicapped Plumbing Requirements, Julius Ballanco (repeated)
Sept. 29, 3-4:30 p.m.
Staffing Power! Recruiting, Hiring and Training, Part II, Al Levi
Part II will focus on ongoing training, the training center and activation.
Look for more details in future issues of PM.