HARDI is a recent consolidation of two long-time wholesale trade organizations: the Northamerican Heating, Refrigeration & Airconditioning Wholesalers (NHRAW) and the Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Wholesalers International (ARWI). HARDI’s councils center on specific product groups and bring together manufacturers and distributors to discuss product and system-focused issues, challenges and trends.
The new council has named its inaugural chairperson Randy Tice of APR Supply, Lebanon, Pa. Vice chair is Bill Bergamini of ILLCO Inc., Aurora, Ill. Its first formal meeting will be held at the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting in Galloway, N.J., May 6-9.
It is speculated that the new council will seek to forge partnerships with other industry organizations focused in this product group, including manufacturer and service associations. For further information, visit the Web site at www.hardinet.org.