Watts Radiant University, or “WarmU,” is located at the company’s Springfield, Mo., headquarters where attendees have the advantage of several training stations. Included among its facilities is “Hands-On House,” a 2,000-suare-foot, two-story area developed specifically for live training and instructional video production.
Hands-On House offers floor, ceiling and wall spaces set up specifically for hands-on radiant heat installations ― both hydronic and electric ― in all types of configurations.
WarmU class schedules cover topics from radiant basics to product details to applications and installations. Sessions are designed to give students a chance to install all of the major products in a wide range of applications, including Watts’ Onix staple-up, RadiantPEX underfloor, SubRay above-floor, and HeatWeave electric mat, among other types.
Students also are exposed to sales and design strategies, including how to promote their own expertise as radiant professionals. Speaker and PM columnist Ellen Rohr will demonstrate and explain “simple ways to put a marketing plan in place, get the phone ringing and get the job sold.”
Training sessions wrap up with a detailed overview of the RadiantWorks Professional software used to design radiant heating, floor warming and snowmelt systems.
Cost for Level 101 and 201 courses in Missouri is $195. Regional courses cost $75. Those interested are encouraged to contact their local Watts Radiant representative for exact times and locations, or visit www.wattsradiant.com for more information.