To celebrate the launch ofwww.TeamRIDGID.com, RIDGID is holding a video contest called “How I Build My Reputation With RIDGID Tools.” TeamRIDGID members are invited to record and post an original one- to three-minute video illustrating how they build their reputation with RIDGID tools.
TeamRIDGID is a new member Web site that allows members to share their insights, successes and needs with both RIDGID and its members. The membership is free, and members receive a number of benefits, including discounts on RIDGIDGear.com, RSS feeds from leading trade publications, and a forum in which members can provide and ask for feedback from other members. Members can even sign up to become a tool tester for new RIDGID products.
Participants must enter the contest by visiting www.TeamRIDGID.com and clicking on the “Enter Your Video” link. Video entries cannot be professionally made and need to be in one of the following formats: .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, or .MPG. The contest is open to all U.S. residents who are 21 years of age or older. The contest ends April 30, 2008.
The company will choose five finalist videos, which will be posted on the TeamRIDGID Web site for member voting. Videos will be judged based on persuasiveness, creativity and entertainment value.
All five finalists will receive an all-expense paid trip to Cleveland to tour the RIDGID headquarters and manufacturing facility. During the trip, the grand prize winner, as chosen through member voting, will be announced and will receive $2,500 in RIDGID tools.