• The new GreenPlumbers program, which originated in Australia in 2001, is an accreditation program that trains plumbers in water conservation and climate care issues. The program is designed to help save water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Intended as a comprehensive industry response to climate and water care issues, the program is open to all plumbers, regardless of affiliation or association membership.
    GreenPlumbers has developed a five-course accreditation that totals 32 hours of training. The courses are climate care; caring for our water; solar hot water; water-efficient technology; and inspection report service. Training workshops debuted in California last fall. The response from attending plumbers and contractors has been positive.
    The goal for 2008 in the United States is to train at least 8,000 Green Plumbers. A GreenPlumbers accreditation license for contractors supports and protects the integrity of the brand.
    To learn more about GreenPlumbers, go to www.greenplumbersusa.com or call 888/929-6207.


  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, with state and national partners, released a comprehensive plan to reduce runoff and increase environmental and economic benefits for communities. The strategy will help reduce stormwater runoff and sewer overflows by promoting “green infrastructure” approaches, such as green roofs, trees and tree boxes, rain gardens, and porous pavements. Green infrastructure techniques, technologies and practices reduce the amount of water and pollutants that run off a site. These tools have many other benefits, including cost savings, improved air quality, urban heat island reductions, energy savings, water conservation and urban habitat creation.
    The plan explains how states, municipalities, permitting authorities and nongovernmental organizations can use green infrastructure practices to meet water quality goals while sustaining their water infrastructure. The document, “Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Action Strategy 2008,” outlines ways to bring green infrastructure technologies and approaches into mainstream use for runoff and sewer overflow management.
    More information on green infrastructure can be found at www.epa.gov/npdes/greeninfrastructure/general.