Logo Hits Home Run
Work hard, play hard -David Marquezof Marquez Plumbing does both.While he and his three employees are in the field each day, servicing customers around Hollister, Calif., Marquez also finds time in his busy schedule to hit the playing field as part of a traveling softball team.
But how does one combine the two passions? We think this month’s Truck Of The Month has the answer.
As a plumbing business owner, Marquez wanted his two F350 Super Duty trucks to be efficient and well-stocked. Both are set up with utility beds, pipe racks and various storage centers, which are able to hold all the different parts and materials for plumbing repairs.
However, the service trucks also reflect Marquez’s athletic personality - the logo is reminiscent of a baseball diamond.
It is a unique design, says wife Kim Marquez, and customers enjoy it.
Continuing the fun-loving side of the two-year-old business, Marquez Plumbing also sponsors local Hollister recreation and little league teams.
“We get so many compliments on the logo,” says Marquez. “We now do hats, shirts and sweatshirts that we give to all our friends and family; we like to see them representing.”

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Think you have a vehicle worthy of PM's Truck Of The Month? Let us hear about it! Send us photos of your service fleet electronically by e-mailing Katie Rotella (RotellaK@bnpmedia.com), or mail us your prints to:PM - Truck Of The Month
1050 IL route 83, suite 200
Bensenville, IL 60106
PM's Truck Of The Month is sponsored by General Pipe Cleaners.