Darren Jones (Brandenburg, Ky.)
receives $2,500 in RIDGID tools as the grand prize winner of the RIDGID “How I
Build My Reputation With RIDGID Tools” video contest. From left: Fred Pond,
president, RIDGID; Josh Sooy, eMarketing manager, RIDGID; Darren Jones; Steve
Dyer, director of marketing communications, RIDGID; and Wyatt Kilmartin, director
of RIDGID branding, RIDGID.
RIDGIDannounced the grand-prize winner of its “How I Build My Reputation With RIDGID Tools” online video contest during its RIDGID Roundup Customer Event in Elyria, Ohio, earlier this month. The winner, RIDGID Forum memberDarren Jones, of Brandenburg, Ky., was chosen throughTeamRIDGIDmember voting, and received $2,500 in RIDGID tools of his choice.
The contest, which ran from December 2007 to April 30, 2008, invited TeamRIDGID members to record and post an original one- to three-minute video illustrating how they build their reputation with RIDGID tools. RIDGID chose five finalist videos, which were posted on the TeamRIDGID website for member voting. Videos were judged based on persuasiveness, creativity and entertainment value. All five finalists received an all-expense paid trip to attend the RIDGID Roundup Customer Event, where the announcement was made.
TeamRIDGID is a new RIDGID customer club site that allows members to share their insights, successes and needs with both RIDGID and its members. The membership is free and is accessible all day, every day. Members receive a number of benefits, including discounts onRIDGIDGear.com, RSS feeds from leading trade publications, and the RIDGID Forum in which members can provide and ask for feedback from other members. Members can also sign up to become a tool tester for new RIDGID products.