Bringing Green Plumbing To East Texas
Becoming a “green” plumbing contractor didn’t just differentiateDavid Hasselland his company,Hassell Free Plumbing, from competitors - it made the company a leader in water conservation efforts in the communities surrounding the business in Gun Barrel City, Texas. For more than 20 years, the company has been serving the plumbing needs of commercial and residential customers in this small, tri-county area of East Texas. And now it’s serving the sustainable needs of the community.“Texas has many rural areas, and most people who live in those areas don’t believe that recycling and water conservation apply to them,” saysSandi Hassell, David’s wife. “We’re trying to educate our customers because we know what’s coming.”
The three Hassell Free plumbers - plus David - are certified by GreenPlumbers USA (training consists of five courses in environmental and technical issues), but other employees are just as committed to the green message the company has adopted. One salesperson took the GreenPlumbers training in order to become better educated about green products on the market, and one staff member is working toward LEED accreditation.
“We always advertise we are green, and we push our customers toward green products such as water-saving fixtures and energy-saving water heaters,” Sandi says. “We are the first plumbing company in the area with the proper green accreditation for our employees.”
Hassell Free Plumbing advertises its green credentials proudly on the drivers’ doors of its four Isuzu HD trucks. The company logo and design of the trucks were created by the Hassell’s son, who has a graphic design degree. He not only worked with the company installing the graphics on the trucks, he organized and sent in the paperwork needed to get the company name trademarked.
The trucks have Hackney P200 bodies with back-up cameras and GPS tracking systems, as well as door alarms. The trucks’ interiors are set up for plumbing vehicles so they can carry a full inventory of product, including water heaters and toilets.
This is a plus for the company, since the tri-county area it serves is rural and driving to the local supply house for a part can take a lot of time. Even with the amount of gas used to drive to customers’ homes or businesses, Hassell Free Plumbing saves money by having well-stocked trucks.
And the story behind the company name? “Well, we couldn’t have Hassell Plumbing,” Sandi explains. “Who would call that company? Hassell Free Plumbing is the only way it would work.”
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