“Water And Energy in the 21st Century” (presented byKirk Alter, associate professor at Purdue University and president of Fast Management) will focus on how the energy and water conservation movement in the United States is laying the groundwork for PHCC members to prosper from tackling larger issues, such as the nation’s deteriorating water and waste infrastructure.
Alter also will discuss retrofitting existing buildings with energy- and water-efficient systems in “Are You Retro-Fit?” He sees this as a growth niche for the foreseeable future as owners upgrade their current properties instead of building new. Contractors will need new technical and marketing skills to make the sale.
Finally, optimizing comfort and energy efficiency by integrating geothermal with radiant heating and cooling systems is the focus of “Grow Your Business With Geothermal,” presented byJason McKinnon, training and technical support manager at Viega.
To register, visitwww.phccweb.org/CONNECT, e-mailConnect2010@naphcc.orgor call 800/533-7694.