If you are ever stranded up on the roof and All Pro Services out of Buchanan, Mich., has you down for a service call later that day, you’re in luck.
With a major emphasis on going the extra mile for the customer, Bill and Leslie Roundy ’s company has been a Michigan and Indiana fixture in the southwest corner of Lake Michigan since 1989.
“One time there was a lady stuck up on her roof and she had her cell phone with her,” Leslie Roundy says. “She called us and we helped her down.
“We try to be different than everybody else. We leave the customer with the impression of the type of service they receive (the tagline on their trucks reads ‘Legendary Service Providers’). We go out of our way. We do extra things at their home. If customers need a light bulb changed, a stove pulled out or the trash taken out, we help them with whatever they need and we don’t charge them.”
All Pro Services, which has six employees, provides residential plumbing and heating service, installations, replacements and remodels with a focus on money-saving, eco-friendly products.
That green theme plays right into the company’s fleet of five service trucks (two Hinos, one Isuzu and two vans), which were all recently custom-painted bright green by the Roundys’ son-in-law, Adam Lingle.

The Roundys are sticklers for neatness and efficiency, as evidenced by the photo of the interior of one of the trucks.
“All Hackney trucks (service bodies) have different bins available. We told them how many we needed,” says Bill Roundy, who noted his company has a client retention rate of 87 percent.
“Every single part has a skew number and is inventoried. It makes the job go smoother and it’s a benefit to the customer. We keep a clean truck inside and out. It makes life easier for everybody to have everything properly in the truck.”
All Pro Services, which dropped franchise affiliation last October, is also the only Rinnai Platinum ASP within a 60-mile radius. That status led to another example of exceptional customer service.
“A dentist in Chicago was the only dentist with platinum status in relining,” Bill Roundy explains. “The only reason he called us was because of our platinum status. It was a 70-mile trip one way. He was impressed by the fact we put booties on and rolled a red carpet all the way down the hallway and down the steps to the heater. We really go above and beyond.”

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1050 IL route 83, suite 200
Bensenville, IL 60106
PM's Truck Of The Month is sponsored by General Pipe Cleaners.