The following is a letter written to the Department of
Energy from Senator Scott Brown regarding the growing showerhead debate.
The following is a letter written to the Department of
Energy from Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts
on behalf of Steven Conneen, showroom manager at Snow and Jones Co., as well as
the industry and the U.S.
consumer in regards to the growing showerhead debate.
Department of Energy
Elizabeth Nolan
Forrestal Building Rm. 7B138
Independence Ave. SW
D.C. 20585
July 21, 2010
Re: Steven Conneen
Dear Ms. Nolan:
I am writing on behalf of Steven
Conneen, a constituent of mine from Weymouth,
Massachusetts. Mr. Conneen has
been in contact with my office regarding the redefinition of the term shower
head (Docket #EERE-2010-BT-NOA-0016).
In May, the Department of Energy’s
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy solicited comments on the
agency’s drafter rule to amend the definition of the term “showerhead” (Federal
Register-5/19/10-Volume 75, Number 96, Page 27926). Mr. Conneen has researched
the DOE proposal and is an experienced manager in the plumbing industry.
This DOE proposal would significantly
impact the use of various types of showering systems in homes across America,
including hand-held showers, body sprays, and shower systems. Such systems are
even used in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools. Placing restrictions on
these shower systems would severely damage plumbing manufacturers, contractors,
installers, retailers, and consumers across the country.
What concerns Mr. Conneen most is the
process being used to implement this proposal. A change of this magnitude
should not be exempt from the notice and comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedures Act as the Department of Energy has asserted. Holding
only a brief 30-day comment period, DOE’s proposed “interpretive” rule would
negate the standard definition of a showerhead that has existed for years.
Finally, this proposal may eliminate the
ability of consumers to choose which type of shower system they would like to
purchase. While I understand that the efficient and sustainable use of water is
an issue of the utmost importance, I ask you to consider the impact this
current proposal will have on the American public and reexamine your decision
to redefine the showerhead rule.
Any assistance or consideration you are
able to render would be greatly appreciated.
Please keep me informed of the progress
of this case. For additional information questions, please do not hesitate to
contact my aide, Erika Paulhus.
Thank you again for your attention in this matter.
Scott P. Brown
United States Senator
2400 John F. Kennedy Federal
Massachusetts 02203
U.S. Senator Weighs In On Showerheads
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