Weather Guard water bottle. (Photo courtesy of Knaack.)
Crystal Lake, Ill.-based Knaack announced its new photo/video promotion running exclusively on Facebook, which allows Weather Guard and Knaack customers to show off their equipment and comment on how they use it. As a thank-you, they will receive a free aluminum water bottle that can be used right on the job.
Upload a Weather Guard Truck Equipment or Van Solutions photo or video and receive a free Weather Guard-branded water bottle. Or upload a Knaack Secure Jobsite Storage Equipment photo or video and receive a free Knaack-branded water bottle.
For more information on the promotion, including rules and regulations, contact Knaack, 420 E. Terra Cotta Avenue, Crystal Lake, IL 60014; 800/456-7865;www.weatherguard.com/promotions/socialmedia/registration.phpor www.knaack.com/promotions/socialmedia/registration.php.