In addition to former NFL great Darrin Smith's inspirational keynote, other topics covered included social media, contractor and businesses evolution, employee problems, OSHA, and tips to boost service profits.

Keynoter Darrin Smith, a two-time national champion at the University of Miami and two-time Super Bowl champion with the Dallas Cowboys, spoke to Service Roundtable members about overcoming adversity and turning tough circumstances into opportunities for huge success. [Photo credit: Service Roundtable.]

Service Roundtablemembers from all across North America recently returned from soaking up the sun in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where the company held its semi-annual meeting May 1-3.

Contractors were inspired by former NFL greatDarrin Smith, who keynoted the meeting. Smith, a two-time national champion at the University of Miami and two-time Super Bowl champion with the Dallas Cowboys, talked about overcoming adversity and turning tough circumstances into opportunities for huge success.

In addition to Smith’s inspirational keynote, other topics covered included social media, contractor and businesses evolution, employee problems, OSHA, and tips to boost service profits.

“The networking opportunity and the amount of education that is presented by the consultants is outstanding,” saidJim Hinshawof Sales Improvement Professionals; his presentation was about closing big-ticket sales. “If you put those consultants in the same room and you went to pay for them…we’re talking $20,000 or $30,000 worth of education.”

Service Nation Alliance members stayed an extra day to discuss performance pay, pricing systems, field manuals, an Advisory Board reporting system and email marketing to boost customer acquisition and retention.

Contractors also enjoyed some phenomenal evening events hosted by Lennox Industries and Goodman Manufacturing.

Service Roundtable’s next Roundtable will be Oct. 23-25 in Las Vegas (Alliance Day: Oct. 26). Save your spot now

For more information, call 877/262-3341 or email For a recap on Puerto Rico,
