The 14th annual Hodes/Challenge Air golf tournament, opening reception and Industry Partner Showcase will be featured on March 22.

Why should a prospective customer choose your company? Discover your competitive advantage at the March 22-24 Quality Service Contractors’ meeting at the Westin Charlotte, Charlotte, N.C. 

Featured speakerDavid Arvin, the Visibility Coach, an internationally known marketing expert and best-selling author, will reveal what it takes to promote what differentiates you from the competition, while building a category-leading brand identity. Based on the lessons in his breakout new book, “It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows You!” Arvin will provide new ideas and strategies to become top-of-mind with your top prospects.

Other seminar topics include:

  • Marketing and Selling Water and Energy Conservation - Dave Yates will cover energy and natural resource technology, including high-efficiency toilets, recirculation, wireless, snow melt and more.

  • Sandler Training’s Cut and Paste: The Most Effective Motivational Program in the World - In a lively, fun-filled event, Bob Sinton will demonstrate how to create individualized “Dream Boards” to stay focused on important dreams and goals.

  • Tracking Productivity & Efficiency - QSC Business Coach Lawrence Snow will cover ways to monitor service department statistics, bonus programs and customer service representative to make an operation increase overall productivity and run more efficiently.

  • Humor: A Strategy for Success - Closing speaker Jeanne Robertson will provide a refreshing new approach to humor and the magic it works in daily lives.

    There also will be interactive member panel discussions focusing on how to expand businesses by offering diversified services and free counseling available from the QSC Business Coach. 

    The 14th annual Hodes/Challenge Airgolf tournament, opening reception and Industry Partner Showcase will be featured on March 22. Industry Partner Roundtables and a closing reception will be offered March 24. 

    To register, call 800/533-7694 or  If you’re not a QSC member, don’t worry… you are eligible to attend your first Power Meeting forfree.
