Drainback system
The Solar Usage Now SUN Equinox is an unpressurized and direct drainback solar system based on a storage tank concept different from usual systems. The system is virtually maintenance-free and fail-safe, and uses free power from the sun for water heating, effectively supporting the heating system. The system is ideal for residential and commercial applications.Solar Usage Now. www.solarusagenow.com. Circle 412

Solar collector cleaning
ZUWA offers a new set of disposable filters for use with the Solarcheck Mobilcenter. The filters tie to the tank mouth and fix with a special lid. The return hose guides sedimentation from the collector directly into the filter bag, which is disposed of after the cleaning process. The filters provide a fast and efficient way to increase performance and durability of older collector systems. Filters are available in 40 and 70 microns.ZUWA. www.zuwa.de. Circle 413

Flat-plate collectors
Designed for residential or commercial water and radiant floor space heating, the Stiebel Eltron SOL 27 PREMIUM low-profile flat-plate collectors offer all the latest industry features. A net absorber surface of more than 25 square feet results in a maximum output of 31,300 Btu/day per panel (SRCC clear-day rating). Installation is quick and easy with push-nipple plumbing connections and versatile mounting rack kits.Stiebel Eltron. www.stiebel-eltron-usa.com. Circle 414

Solar thermal sensors
Grundfos’ Vortex flow sensors and pressure sensors are part of a combined sensor offering. They feature SiliCoat, a corrosion-resistant coating that enables direct media contact for faster response. Designed for use with water and water-additives for open, closed or drainback systems in both residential and commercial solar thermal systems, the sensors are suitable for flow ranges from 0.2 gpm to 105 gpm, pressure ranges from 9 psi to 240 psi, and temperatures between 32 degrees F to 212 degrees F.Grundfos. www.grundfos.com/directsensors. Circle 415

Data logger
Caleffi’s DL3 data logger enables the acquisition and storage of large amounts of data (such as energy metering and recorded values of the solar system) over a long period when connected up to six iSolar controllers. The DL3 has three inputs for Pt1000 temperature sensors and one 4-20 mA current loop analog input. A configuring IP address and password protection allows for access from any PC with a LAN connection for system monitoring of energy metering or for reviewing system performance without additional software.Caleffi. www.caleffi.us. Circle 416

Solar pump
Bell & Gossett’s ecocirc SC Solar Pump uses electronically commuted motor technology that eliminates the need for a conventional shaft, seal and bearing assembly. The pump is ideal for solar thermal systems or most circulation pump applications where conventional power is not available. The DC spherical motor circulating pump, featuring direct connection to photovoltaic panels and automatic performance optimization, uses less than 1 watt of startup power and features maximum-power point tracking.Bell & Gossett. www.completewatersystems.com. Circle 417