The RPA (formerly known as the Radiant Panel Association) officially joins the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials this month. The move, along with an official name change to the Radiant Professionals Alliance, was formally and officially ratified by RPA membership by a strong majority of affirmative votes on Dec. 5, 2011.
“The foremost concern of RPA members is their membership status,” saidDorothy Biggs, RPA president. “IAPMO has assured us that the anniversary dates of all RPA memberships will be recognized, will remain intact for all subsequent renewal purposes and will immediately entitle every member to the multitude of benefits associated with RPA and the structure with IAPMO.”
Members can also be assured that all of RPA’s publications and reference materials will continue to be available, including training manuals, home study tools, DVD seminars, the Webinar series, the RPA Standard Guidelines and the certification program, including all written tests for the various levels from field technician to designer. Publications that members enjoy will continue without interruption; new products and projects are being planned for the near future.
GP Russ Chaney, IAPMO CEO, anticipates that RPA members will find IAPMO to be unparalleled in its management skills, delivering service excellence with reliability and responsiveness.
“IAPMO has an unmatched resource base of members and an infrastructure of staff with the knowledge, skills and abilities to deliver the RPA sustained growth, strong financial performance and increased market reach,” Chaney said. “Our Director of Program Development,Kathleen Mihelich, will be leading the way toward advancing the RPA to its full potential. She will provide the RPA with the management direction required at this time of change and is also prepared to guide the RPA toward the longer-term need of strategic planning that is required for the RPA’s sustainability.”
Chaney and Mihelich report that the RPA membership can expect to receive a draft marketing program designed to increase the awareness of radiant/hydronic heating and cooling, and show that these systems are both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. The input of RPA membership, covering all aspects of the industry, will be requested and a final draft compiled from the comments received before the program is initiated.
“My focus in leading the significant staff resources devoted to servicing RPA members’ needs will be related to exactly what they tell me they need,” Mihelich said. “A number of them have been in contact already and I look forward to obtaining information from as many of them as possible in order to refine the existing RPA programs and products, and develop new ones to meet their needs and desires.”
Chaney added: “The IAPMO partnership with the RPA will pay dividends to the membership of both organizations, offering expanded services and benefits, while further developing the market, both domestically and internationally. We are now off to a great start and look forward to a very bright future together.”
For more information on IAPMO and the RPA, contact Mihelich at 708/995‐3003 orkathleen.mihelich@iapmo.org.