The Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA) is seeking representatives to serve on a working group to assist in the creation of theUniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code (USEHC) , which is said to be the first and only code that will fully integrate all aspects of hydronic heating and cooling systems, including solar thermal, radiant and geothermal technology.
Using the 2012 edition of the IAPMO/ANSIUniform Solar Energy Code (USEC) as the starting point, the goal of the RPA working group will be to identify and submit recommended changes that update, enhance and expand the code to assist in the creation of the 2015 IAPMO/ANSIUniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code. The deadline for the working group to complete its work is July 13, 2013.
Membership on the USEHC working group is open to all materially affected parties in the solar thermal, radiant and geothermal heating and cooling systems industries having an interest in the development of a comprehensive hydronics code.
A working group application form can be downloaded at http://www.radiantprofessionalsalliance.org/Documents/Application‐Call_Code_Review_Task_Group.pdf. The deadline for application submission is Sept. 10.
The first meeting of the working group will be held in the Chicago area in October at a date to be determined once the working group has been created. Meeting notices and agendas will be posted on the RPA website athttp://www.radiantprofessionalsalliance.org.
For more information, contactMaria Bazanatmaria.bazan@radiantprofessionalsalliance.orgor 708/995-3007.