Program will provide 17,000 Rheem SolPak active solar water heating systems to members of the VEA in California and Nevada.

Rheem SolPak House

Editor Correction: In the initial posting of this article, Ed Begley Jr was misidentified as a spokesperson.

Rheem Mfg Co. announced its association with the Valley Electric Association to launch the largest domestic solar water heating (DSWH) program undertaken in the United States. This program offers each member of the VEA an electrical co-op servicing more than 22,000 meters within Nevada and California.

By installing a Rheem SolPak water heating system, participating residents and business owners can achieve significant water and energy savings, the company says, estimating that members switching from electric or propane water heating systems will save between $250 and $550 annually on water heating.

According to the VEA, this program will also help to eliminate 15.4 million pounds of carbon dioxide annually and save $34 million or more, collectively, on energy costs over the next 20 years.

Valley Electric and Rheem officially kicked off the DSWH program at Valley Electric’s 2009 Energy Symposium Sept. 5 in Pahrump, Nev.

Rheem Alternative Energy Manager Jeff Mahoney at the VEA DSWH program kick-off.

“In addition to providing affordable solar water heating to nearly 5,000 homes, we anticipate that the program will immediately create over 100 jobs in Nevada and increase capital in the area by approximately $12 million,” saidJeff Mahoney, Rheem alternative energy market manager.

Valley Electric will provide zero percent interest financing to members who choose to participate in the DSWH program, allowing resident members an easy pathway to using the energy-saving technology. Participating members will also be eligible to receive a federal tax credit of up to 30 percent of the installed cost including labor.

For more information on the DSWH program,

Source: Rheem Manufacturing Company
