The first
REHAU MONTANA ecosmart house technical summit, held in Bozeman, Mont., was attended by 38 building
industry business and association representatives from across the United States, as well
as those from Montana State University and other members of the academic
community. Photo credit: REHAU Building Construction
REHAU held its first technical summit regarding theREHAU MONTANA ecosmartlast November. The three-year ecosmart project - which included research, design and construction of a residence located in Bozeman, Mont. - will advance into a two-year period of system performance and research in early 2012, once construction of the house is complete.
Summit participants collaborated to define parameters for using the house during this period as both a demonstration project for sustainable residential construction, and as a unique research, measurement and data-gathering entity for building product and system performance.
Clickherefor more information on the summit.
To read more about the ecosmart house, including the different heating technologies installed in it, clickhere.