ENERVEX EcoFlex 90+ fan-powered flue gas economizer.
ENERVEX introduces the EcoFlex 90+ fan-powered flue gas economizer. Manufactured completely in 316L stainless steel, the IPVB-ECO features a patent-pending design and can be installed in any part of the chimney, including horizontally or vertically. It can be used in conjunction with any gas fired heating appliance - condensing or noncondensing. It also allows multiple boilers to share a single economizer. As part of the ENERVEX Chimney Automation System, the EcoFlex 90+ System is controlled by the EBC30 or EBC35 draft control. It features a variable speed and direct drive, as wells as a removable drive unit. Like all ENERVEX products, the EcoFlex 90+ System features a two-year factory warranty. www.enervex.com.