Bell & Gossett has announced its training course schedule for the second quarter of 2008. The free training seminars are offered at B&G’s Little Red Schoolhouse education center in Morton Grove, IL and are open to engineers, contractors and facility maintenance professionals.
The seven three-day seminars cover a wide range of topics. Courses are tailored to different industry occupations and are offered weekly, Monday through Wednesday. Upon completion of the courses, CEU credits are awarded to Schoolhouse graduates.
The courses offered throughout the year include:
- Modern Hydronics Basic Seminar
- Modern Hydronics Advanced Seminar
- Design and Application Seminar
- Steam System Design Seminar
- Operation and Maintenance of Steam Systems
- Large Chilled Water Systems Design Seminar
- Service & Maintenance Seminar
- Modern Hydronics Basic Seminar
- Modern Hydronics Advanced Seminar
- Service & Maintenance Seminar
- Design & Application Seminar
Seminar reservations are made through Bell & Gossett Representatives. For the name and phone number of a local Representative, go to www.bellgossett.com.