Photo courtesy of Ashbourne News Telegraph
TheAshbourne News Telegraphrecently reported on a current 360-degree rotating house project near Ashbourne in the U.K. Its innovative design “could have far-reaching implications for the construction of energy-efficient buildings in the future,” the paper noted.
The home’s creator,Robin Hamilton, has spent six years perfecting the building's systems and design. It rotates on a central axis via 100 special castors to distribute the weight. The house will be able to follow the sun, warming the interior through passive solar heating and, if necessary, turning away if it gets too warm.
Interior heating will come from a ground source heat pump, fed from a borehole that also provides the property's water supply. Its insulated walls will help to keep the house warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
To read more about the project, visit thearticle archivesof theAshbourne News Telegraph.