Andy Vanti
The National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers recently lost a former leader:Andrew "Andy" Vantidied at the age of 77. Vanti served as the National Secretary and then as President of NAOHSM from 1986-1996. He was retired from Dupuis Oil of Pawtucket, RI and Marvel-DeBross Oil of Taunton, MA.
A testament to his contributions and respect in the industry, in 1999 Vanti was the recipient of the Hugh McKee Award, the highest recognition of achievement from NAOHSM. In addition to being an active member of NAOHSM both nationally and in the Rhode Island Chapter, Vanti was also a member of the American Legion for more than 56 years. He served the Legion as the State Finance Chairman and President of the Convention Corp. of the RI American Legion at the time of his death.
He is survived by his two sons Andrew and Anthony, his partner Gail, two grandsons, two granddaughters and his treasured Himalayan cat Alexander.