The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute reports that heat pump shipments for February totaled 104,260 down 18% from the same month a year ago. YTD, heat pump shipments totaled 195,620, a 23% drop compared with the same period last year.
Residential electric water heater shipments totaled 321,055, an 11.2% drop from the same month a year ago. YTD, about 634,232 residential electric storage water heaters have been shipped, a 9.4% drop compared to the same period last year.
Residential gas water heater shipments totaled 327,591, a 6.4% decrease compared with shipments for the same month last year. YTD, about 643,452 residential gas water heaters have been shipped, a 4% drop compared with the same period a year ago.
Commercial gas water heater shipments for February totaled 7,214, dropping 6.3% compared with the same month last year, while commercial electric water heater shipments totaled 4,520, a 16.6% drop compared with the same month a year ago. YTD, commercial electric water heater shipments (9,291) are 12.2 % behind total shipments of this product during the same period last year (10,586). Commercial gas water heater shipments (13,230) for the year-to-date are down 11.2 %, compared with the same period a year ago (14,893).
Source: AHRI
February Heat Pump Shipments Down
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