As a result, the U.S. House Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization and Procurement held a hearing on July 21 to examine the federal government’s role in greening buildings and ways to improve its own energy efficiency.
Testifying at the hearing, ASHRAE PresidentLynn G. Bellengersaid that, “over the years significant progress has been made in the federal, commercial and residential sectors, and we are poised to embark on a new era of energy efficiency and taxpayer dollar stewardship that will lead us to net-zero-energy buildings.
“Going forward, maximizing building efficiency and sustainability will require a fundamental shift in how buildings have been approached - from design to operation. Working together toward a whole building approach that fully considers how each system and building component will interact - instead of each discipline focusing on their own area of expertise - will be an essential element of ensuring that taxpayer dollars are well-spent.”
ASHRAE has long-partnered with the federal government on efforts to improve building efficiency, and ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential, now serves as both a federal building standard and the national reference for state-adopted commercial building codes. During the hearing, Bellenger highlighted several efforts and initiatives that ASHRAE is engaging in that will help lead to increased building efficiency, including ASHRAE’s:
Source: ASHRAE