Tim Wolf, technical trainer for the Pennsylvania
Petroleum Association. Photo credit: PPA
The Pennsylvania Petroleum Association recently hiredTim Wolfas its new technical trainer. A former HVAC technician and service manager, he has 30 years of experience in the industry - including a stint as a national trainer for Thermo Products. Wolf teaches from experience, drawing on his many years as an HVAC service-and-installation technician and service manager.
PPA’s courses are open to both members and nonmembers. Contractors can attend a class at PPA’s state-of-the-art training center or schedule a private class with Wolf at your facility. Course topics include Basic AC & Heat Pumps; Boiler Installation and Systems Piping; Advanced Oil Heat; High-Efficiency Condensing Gas Boilers; ECM Technology; Solar; UST Operator Certification Training; and more. PPA also offers NORA Certification.
Visitwww.ppmcsa.org/education-trainingto view the 2013 education schedule and sign up for courses. Contact Tim Wolf at 717/939-1781, ext. 107 ortwolf@papetroleum.orgif you’re interested in having him run a class at your facility.