The merger between the Radiant Professionals Alliance and the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials is in the final stages, pending a ratification vote by RPA members, which had not been completed at press time. Through IAPMO, RPA members will have a role in shaping the codes that govern the design, installation, methods and materials used in plumbing, mechanical and solar thermal systems installed in homes and businesses.
RPA members will gain the expertise of IAPMO’s training and certification professionals by participating in state-of-the-art contemporary delivery systems. Members can post job openings on a substantial engineering network job center.
Kathleen Mihelich, IAPMO’s director of program development, will head up the new RPA. IAPMO’s Chicago regional office will be RPA’s new home: 18927 Hickory Creek Drive, Suite 140, Mokena, IL 60448, 708/995-3003. A new website will be launched early 2012.